Glossostigma Elatinoides - 10cmx15cm mat

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1 portion: 10cmx15cm mat

Glossostigma elatinoides is a small, aquatic plant commonly used in aquascaping, particularly in planted aquariums. Here are some key details about this plant:


  • Appearance: Glossostigma elatinoides, often referred to simply as "Glosso," has small, oval leaves that are bright green in color. The leaves grow in pairs along creeping stems.
  • Size: It is a very small plant, with leaves typically measuring around 1 cm (0.4 inches) in length.


  • Native Range: Glossostigma elatinoides is native to New Zealand, Australia, and Tasmania.
  • Natural Habitat: It grows in shallow waters along the margins of rivers, streams, and lakes, often forming dense mats.

Cultivation in Aquariums

  • Light Requirements: High light levels are necessary for this plant to grow compactly and maintain its bright green color. Insufficient light can cause the plant to grow vertically rather than horizontally, leading to a less desirable appearance.
  • CO2 Requirements: CO2 injection is highly recommended to support robust growth and prevent algae problems.
  • Substrate: Nutrient-rich substrates are beneficial. Glossostigma elatinoides has a fine root system that spreads quickly through substrates like aquasoil or fine gravel.
  • Temperature and pH: It thrives in a temperature range of 20-28°C (68-82°F) and prefers slightly acidic to neutral water (pH 5.5-7.5).

Care and Maintenance

  • Trimming: Regular trimming is necessary to maintain its carpet-like appearance and prevent the lower leaves from dying off due to lack of light.
  • Propagation: Glossostigma elatinoides propagates through runners. Cutting and replanting these runners can help maintain a healthy, dense carpet.


  • Uses: It is commonly used as a foreground plant in aquariums. Its low-growing habit and bright green color make it an excellent choice for creating lush, green carpets in aquascapes.
  • Companion Plants: It pairs well with other foreground plants and can be used to complement midground and background plants. Examples include Hemianthus callitrichoides (dwarf baby tears) and Eleocharis parvula (dwarf hairgrass).


  • Algae: High light and nutrient-rich environments necessary for Glossostigma elatinoides can also promote algae growth. Proper balance and maintenance are key to preventing algae issues.
  • Growth Form: Ensuring the plant grows horizontally rather than vertically can be challenging without adequate light and CO2.

Glossostigma elatinoides is a favorite among aquarists for creating beautiful, lush foreground carpets in planted aquariums. Proper care and attention to its specific needs can yield stunning results in aquascapes.


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We aim to assist you in replicating a natural ecosystem within your aquarium. Cultivating thriving aquatic plants contributes to a visually appealing and vibrant aquarium ambiance.