Echinodorus Muricatus Green

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1 bunch - 6-10 stems

Echinodorus muricatus, commonly known as Muricate Sword Plant or Spiny-leaved Sword Plant, is a popular and attractive aquatic plant in the aquarium hobby. It belongs to the family Alismataceae and is known for its robust growth and distinctive, spiny leaves. This plant is native to Central and South America, where it typically grows in shallow waters.


  • Appearance: Echinodorus muricatus features long, lanceolate leaves with a somewhat spiny texture, giving it a unique and rugged look. The leaves are typically bright green, but can take on a reddish hue under high light conditions.
  • Size: This plant can grow quite large, reaching heights of up to 30-50 cm (12-20 inches) or more, making it suitable for use as a background plant in larger aquariums.

Care Requirements

  • Light: Moderate to high lighting is ideal for Echinodorus muricatus. Adequate lighting helps the plant maintain its vibrant color and encourages healthy growth.
  • CO2: While not strictly necessary, supplemental CO2 can enhance growth and improve the overall health of the plant, especially in high-tech planted aquariums.
  • Substrate: A nutrient-rich substrate is beneficial for this plant. Echinodorus species have extensive root systems that thrive in substrates like aqua soil or gravel supplemented with root tabs.
  • Water Parameters:
    • Temperature: 72-82°F (22-28°C)
    • pH: 6.5-7.5
    • Hardness: Soft to moderately hard water (3-12 dGH)

Growth and Maintenance

  • Growth Rate: Echinodorus muricatus has a moderate to fast growth rate under optimal conditions. Regular pruning of old or damaged leaves is recommended to maintain its appearance and encourage new growth.
  • Propagation: The plant propagates through runners and side shoots. New plantlets will develop along the runners, which can be separated and replanted once they have established roots.

Aquascaping Uses

  • Background Plant: Due to its size, Echinodorus muricatus is best used as a background plant in larger aquariums. It can create a lush, green backdrop and add height to the aquascape.
  • Centerpiece Plant: In medium to large tanks, it can also serve as a focal point or centerpiece plant, drawing attention with its striking appearance.
  • Contrast: The plant's spiny leaves and robust structure provide a textural contrast to more delicate plants, enhancing the overall visual appeal of the aquascape.


  • Size Management: Due to its potential size, Echinodorus muricatus may outgrow smaller tanks or overshadow smaller plants. Regular maintenance and pruning are essential to keep it in check.
  • Nutrient Demand: This plant has high nutrient demands, particularly for iron. Ensuring a nutrient-rich substrate and possibly supplementing with liquid fertilizers can help maintain its health and vibrancy.


  • Aesthetic Appeal: Echinodorus muricatus adds a robust, natural look to aquariums with its large, spiny leaves.
  • Habitat: Provides excellent cover and habitat for fish and invertebrates, contributing to a more dynamic and natural environment.
  • Oxygenation: As a fast-growing plant, it can help improve water quality by absorbing excess nutrients and releasing oxygen.

Overall, Echinodorus muricatus is a striking and versatile plant that can enhance the beauty and ecological balance of larger freshwater aquariums. With proper care and maintenance, it can serve as a stunning background or centerpiece plant, providing both visual interest and functional benefits to the tank.

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We aim to assist you in replicating a natural ecosystem within your aquarium. Cultivating thriving aquatic plants contributes to a visually appealing and vibrant aquarium ambiance.