Betta smaragdina (Emerald Betta)
Betta smaragdina, commonly known as the Emerald Betta, is a stunning wild betta species native to Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia. This species is well-known for its shimmering iridescent green or blue coloration, which gives it the name smaragdina (meaning "emerald" in Latin). Like other wild bettas, it is a bubblenester and displays territorial behavior, though it is generally less aggressive than domesticated Betta splendens.
Key Characteristics
- Males exhibit a striking metallic green or blue sheen on their body and fins, often with a dark brown or black base color.
- Females are duller in color but may still have hints of iridescence.
- The fins are long and elegant, often showing red, blue, or green highlights.
- Typically grows to 5-7 cm (2-2.7 inches) in length.
- Males are territorial and will flare at rivals, especially during breeding.
- Generally less aggressive than domesticated bettas and can sometimes be kept in pairs or small groups with adequate space.
- Can live 3-5 years with proper care.
Habitat & Care Requirements
Tank Setup:
- A soft, acidic blackwater setup with plenty of hiding spots (plants, driftwood, leaf litter).
- Floating plants help simulate their natural environment and provide surfaces for bubble nests.
- A tight-fitting lid is essential, as wild bettas are excellent jumpers.
Water Parameters:
- pH: 5.5 - 7.0 (prefers slightly acidic water).
- Temperature: 24-28°C (75-82°F).
- Hardness: Soft to moderately hard water (0-10 dGH).
- Carnivorous—thrives on live and frozen foods (bloodworms, daphnia, brine shrimp).
- Can also eat high-quality pellets and flakes, but prefers meaty foods.
Reproduction Type:
- Betta smaragdina is a bubblenester—males build floating nests from saliva-coated bubbles and guard the eggs.
Spawning Behavior:
- Males will display flaring and wrapping behaviors to encourage females to spawn.
- After spawning, the male takes care of the eggs and fry until they are free-swimming.
Variants & Hybridization
- Betta smaragdina has several naturally occurring regional variants, each with slight color and pattern differences. It has also been hybridized with Betta splendens to create colorful "hybrid plakat" bettas seen in the hobby.
Interesting Facts
- Unlike domestic bettas, Betta smaragdina has a stronger jumping ability and can leap out of water when threatened.
- Their metallic green/blue color shifts under different lighting, making them especially striking in natural light.
- They are more social than Betta splendens and can sometimes be kept in small groups, though males may still fight.
Final Thoughts
Betta smaragdina is an excellent choice for aquarists looking to keep a stunning, natural, and slightly less aggressive wild betta. With the right setup and care, they can thrive and display their full iridescent beauty.